Guild Trophies
Wagstaffe Trophy
Introduced in 1982 to be awarded in a different aspect of taxidermy to be decided by the Committee. It is named after Reginald Wagstaffe who was well known throughout the museum world for his expert knowledge in not one, but several fields of natural history. He was probably better known as the co-author of that standard reference work, 'Preservation of Natural History Specimens'. He was also a competent taxidermist. The trophy is a Royal Worcester Porcelain Medallion.
Bird Trophy
A bronze of a grouse on a wooden pedestal was awarded for the first time in 1983. It was provided by the British Association for Shooting & Conservation (BASC).
Elliott Trophy
A new trophy was introduced in 1997 for the best piece of work by a member with less than 3 years' experience. It was presented by Keith Elliott, guest speaker at 1996's conference who was impressed by the work of some newer taxidermists and wanted to do something to encourage people in this category.